
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Need something to do with your kids this summer? Check out Grace's various VBS camps!

Want something for your kids to do to help break up the summer and have fun in a safe environment?  Check out what Grace Fellowship has to offer this summer!

July 25 - 28, 9:30am - noon
Must be 3 by September 1, 2010 - completed Kindergarten.
At SonSurf Beach Bash VBS, kids learn that there is only one truth: Jesus
Gradeschool VBS Day Camp
July 11 - 14 9am - 3pm
1st - 5th Grade (grade completed)
Trout Lake Camps counselors will be joining us again for adventure filled days of Bible learning, awesome worship, and amazing games.  
SCUBA CampServeJuly 11 - 15, a Monday - Friday service week where our 6th graders serve the community through day long projects in different locations.
Time: be at Grace Fellowship by 7:50am & return around 4:00pm.
Cost:  $152.00 (mission trip - tax deductable).
More questions?  Contact these people at 763-425-2246
Pastor of Children & Family Ministries:  Sara VanHeel x235
Preschool Coordinator: Amanda Lembke x242
Grade School Coordinator: Cheri Hecimovich  x230
SCUBA Coordinator:  Matt Morgan  x233

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