
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sneak Peek - Amy Stienessen's "Surviving in Stilettos: Don't Forget Your Insoles"

This Monday we are happy to announce that our MOPS Int'l Area 9 Community Coach, Amy Stienessen, will be speaking to us.  Amy's really fun, spunky and has a great sense of humor.  We know she'll help brighten our Monday morning and give us some insights to carry with us for the rest of the week.

Here's a sneak peek into her topic for that morning:

Exploring the shoes we wear in the many aspects of our lives as women!  Looking at the relationship we have with our church, husbands, children, jobs, and God we will walk together to recongize the types of "shoes" we should be wearing so our feet don't hurt!  

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