
Monday, January 17, 2011

New Year... Get in Gear!

After all of the fun (and food) of the holidays, is one of your New Year's resolutions to get (back) in shape?  Have you thought about running or walking in a 'real' race, but don't know if you can?  (You CAN!)  Aren't sure where to start?  Step 1: Register for the "Get in Gear"5k walk/run on Sat, April 30th TODAY and commit to making 2011 an active and healthy year! Step 2: Get moving!  Join some of your fellow MOPS friends for walks/runs in the weeks ahead - get (and give) encouragement and support with each step.  Step 3:  Share a fun April Saturday morning with us in Minneapolis on the 30th (carpooling available - race begins at 9:20 am) and then bask in the glow of your success!
An added bonus for not procrastinating?  Register by 1/31 for the lowest prices ($22.30 for the 5k) - price includes an event t-shirt (ladies' cut).
For more info and to register, visit
Questions?  Contact either Julie Dukowitz (Monday MOPS) at or Corrie Hoff (Tuesday MOPS) at  
Stay tuned for training info, tips and a schedule of training walk/runs in the weeks to come!
(And, in case you are STILL wondering, YES YOU CAN DO IT!!  :)
PS - For you 'hard-core' runners, there are 10k and half marathon options as well.  See the website for details.

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