
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Meeting Preview - "Orientation" 9/13

Do you remember your many 'first' days of school?  Kindergarten?  High School?  The excitement, the nervousness, the drama ... and of course, the many outfit changes!  Well, students, it's time for one more "Orientation" - this one to your year as a MOPS member.
Wondering what your morning will look like?  First, we can help with the clothing dilemma:  following our school theme, plan to wear some type of high school or college clothing.  Show your school spirit and colors!  (We promise you won't need to reveal graduation dates.)
Starting at 9:15, bring your little one(s) to the appropriate MOPPETS room(s) - volunteers will be ready to greet you and your child and can help with the (sometimes difficult) drop-off process.  Don't worry... your kids will be treated with love and kindness and will be in excellent hands.  Make sure you sign in each child, help them to use hand gel, and give them a nametag. 

Next, head to the MOPS meeting room, where our Mentor Moms and the smell of a warm, delicious breakfast will greet you (and coffee too!  You may want to bring your own travel mug.).  And don't forget your smile - 'id photos' will be taken this morning (for our MOPS directory).  Help yourself to breakfast, find your table (seating is assigned and you will be with the same group of MOPS moms for the year), introduce yourself and be ready for a morning full of fun and fellowship. The meeting will begin shortly after 9:30.
Our 2010-2011 MOPS Steering Team and DGL's (Discussion Group Leaders) will be introduced (no, there won't be a quiz on names!), and we'll go over the syllabus (handbook) for the year.  You'll also have the  chance to get to know your table mates and to share some things about yourself too.  The meetings end promptly at 11:25, with time for members to get to the child care room(s).
That's it!  We hope you are as excited about this new MOPS year as we are.  We look forward to meeting you (new members) and seeing you again (returning members)!
PS: Keep an eye on your e-mailboxes next week for the first Monday MOPS e-newsletter to arrive! 

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